Mother's Day 2014! Ooh yaa! Last year- I think it was last years Mother's Day turned out to be a complete flop so my dad pressured me to make a present for my mom. Of course, I didn't mind but what really, REALLY annoyed me was that he critiqued everything I did- IT WAS MY PRESENT FOR MY MOM MY GOODNESS. But, anyways, that aside, let's get on with the pictures shall we?
I made her a t-shirt! It's really blurry because no one would stay still but it says, "Mommy's heart is as sweet cotton candy and as brave as Gryffindor." On the t shirt we're eating cotton candy (which was way to sweet by the way) and my sister made "Harry Potter" glasses out of a sticky string thingy.
Around ten o'clock we went to a brunch buffet at this restaurant called "Blue Agave" and wa-la, my food. Cold hot chocolate? I think yes.
We went to Costco next. Yes, yes we did on Mother's Day boo-ya. AND I FOUND MY TWIN. I don't know, many people say I look like her so I'm going with it ya know?
We went home afterwards and I finished the loads of science I had. After finally finishing it, we went and watched "The Amazing Spiderman 2." I won't even talk about it. I can't with this me. Nope. Nope, nope, nope. Buttttt (haha, butttt), here is a picture of Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield (a couple in reality as well- and very cute might I mention):