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Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Mother's Day 2014! Ooh yaa! Last year- I think it was last years Mother's Day turned out to be a complete flop so my dad pressured me to make a present for my mom. Of course, I didn't mind but what really, REALLY annoyed me was that he critiqued everything I did- IT WAS MY PRESENT FOR MY MOM MY GOODNESS. But, anyways, that aside, let's get on with the pictures shall we?
Breathtakingly beautiful... Too bad they'll die soon under our watch.
6 O'clock card making.
I made her a t-shirt! It's really blurry because no one would stay still but it says, "Mommy's heart is as sweet cotton candy and as brave as Gryffindor." On the t shirt we're eating cotton candy (which was way to sweet by the way) and my sister made "Harry Potter" glasses out of a sticky string thingy.
Around ten o'clock we went to a brunch buffet at this restaurant called "Blue Agave" and wa-la, my food. Cold hot chocolate? I think yes.
We went to Costco next. Yes, yes we did on Mother's Day boo-ya. AND I FOUND MY TWIN. I don't know, many people say I look like her so I'm going with it ya know?

We went home afterwards and I finished the loads of science I had. After finally finishing it, we went and watched "The Amazing Spiderman 2." I won't even talk about it. I can't with this me. Nope. Nope, nope, nope. Buttttt (haha, butttt), here is a picture of Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield (a couple in reality as well- and very cute might I mention):
Aren't they adorable? You don't even have to say it, I know, they are... Look, I can't even put it into words. 

Anyways, I hope your Mother's Day was okay and I'll see you guys later! Byeee!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Added-on Mixtape of April from D.Q.

Fall Out Boy- "Alone Together"

Five Seconds of Summer- "Heartache on the Big Screen"

American Authors- "Best Day of my Life"

Paramore- "Still into You"

All Star Weekend- "Not Your Birthday"

Picnic Day

On Saturday, I went to a picnic that was supposed to start at one pm... We arrived around two oops. WE WERE GETTING FOOD SO IT'S OKAY. Anywho, we brought eggrolls:
The first one includes meat, the second one is made of vegetables.

See this? The last time I went to this park, I jumped off this play structure- standing about fifteen feet. I felt like Katniss Everdeen.
The rest of the playground.

I found this! I got really excited which is very ironic, considering I don't enjoy science very much. It looks like a DNA chain right? If you can't see it from the structure, just look at the shadow.
Rocks and water. Ow. Yet people still
played in there and made cringe... I got wet and was like SJDJDKJEWK. NO.
Off to the side was a swing that, to me was ancient because it swung under my weight and I just felt about a thousand pounds. Girls are very sensitive about their weight.

And finally, I became very, extremely cold and bored. The play structure was rather warm and cozy so I hauled myself there and took "Youtube" quizzes on who my Youtube twin would be (Michelle Phan), who is my Youtube beauty guru (Beauty Crush) and of course, who would be my ideal Youtube boyfriend (Shawn Mendes- I do not know who he is, so I need to check him out- and Luke Hemmings- sorry Serena.)

So ya, this concludes my picnic day. I came home and showered and facetimed my aunt who showed me Cumbercupcakes and Benedict Cumberpatch's eyes.

And you forget Elizabeth Taylor's:
Beautiful right?